A particular passion of mine is making sure websites look and function flawlessly on mobile devices, an aspect of web development known as ‘responsive web design‘.

These days, it is likely that most of your customers will experience your website on their mobile phone rather than on any other type of device. And, despite the number of people browsing the web on mobile devices surpassing desktop computers as far back as 2016, many websites are bafflingly still built without much thought put into their appearance on mobile phones.

Moreover, many busy business people tend to mainly, sometimes exclusively, view their own company website on a large desktop screen at their office. These factors combine to create a perfect storm of unintentional ignorance and neglect of how their company website is performing on a smartphone — arguably the most important marketing platform for businesses wanting to reach new and existing customers.

It’s time to ensure that your website puts its best foot forward, everywhere it’s seen. Have a look at your website on your phone now, and send me a message if you’re a bit concerned!